(Hidayat, 2017)
Regnum : Plantae
Divisio : Magnoliophyta
Classis : Liliopsida
Ordo : Liliales
Familia : Agavaceae
Genus : Cordyline
Spesies : Cordyline autralis Endl
Synonym Name : Charlwoodia australis (G.Forst.) G.Don
Plants, to 12-(20) m tall; stem in young unbranched plants 5-10 cm , trunk of large many branched old trees to 1.5 m dbh; bark thick, rough and fissured. Leaves 0.3-1 m × 3-6 cm, base thickened, apically flat and thin, light green, midrib indistinct, nerves fine, equal, ± parallel. Inflorescences panicles, to 0.6-1.5 &mult; 0.3.-0.5 cm, branched to third or fourth order, branches coming off at about right angles and well-spaced; lower bracts green and foliaceous; ultimate racemes ~ 10-20 cm long; axes almost hiden by flowers; peduncle stout, to 4 cm . Flowers sweetly scented; perianth ~5-6 mm long, white; tepals slightly keeled, free almost to base, reflexed; stamens about the same number as tepals; stigma shortly trifid. Fruits globose, ~4 mm , whitish; seeds ~2.5 mm long, glossy, deeply notched on one side." (Encyclopedia of Tropical Plants, p. 239).
Spot Characters
Linear leaves with red color in the margin.
Ornamental Plant
Southeast Asia and the tropical regions
SD Isola UPI
Local Name
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