Picture 1 Distribution of Aloaceae (Universytas of California, 2019)
Stout, simple or sparingly branched shurbs or branching stout trees up to several m high, with leaves crowing the branches, or sometimes the plants with an erect, slender, woody stem and a terminal crown of leaves in the manner of palms (but the leaves not palm-like), or often coarse, short-stemmed, more or less herbaceous plants arising from a short rhizome or erect caudex, plants presumably with crassulacean acid metabolism, commonly with corky, raphide-containing cells in at least some of the tissues, and commonly producing anthraquinones and chelidonic acid, but not known to produce tannins, steroid saponins, or alkaloids; strach wanting, even from vegetative organs; vessels confined to the roots; often some of the roots tuberous-thickened; stem with secondary growth of the monocotyledoneous type, the vascular bundles closed and scattered.
Leaves. Simple, alternate, sessile, crowded in dense a shory main stem, perennial and more or less strongly, spinepointed, parallel-vained, but the veins commonly obscure; stomates mostly sunken, more or less distinctly tetracytic; vascular bundles at least typically with a large cap of wide, thin-walled cells at the phloem pole.
Flower. Borne in a terminal spike, receme, or pinicle on a relatively slender, scape-like axillary shoot, mostly ornithophilous or entomophilous, trimemous throughout; tepals evidently in 2 cycles of 3 all petaloid and often fleshy.bilabiate; stamens 6, hypogynous, tetrasporangiate and dithecal, pollen-grains monosulcate; gynoecium of 3 carpels, superior, trilocular ovary with axile placentation and at least usually with septal nectaries; style terminal, orthoropous to hemitropoud, bitegmic,
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